понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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The Bible always teaches one not to be envious of what others have.� Though I have been studying the Bible for years, I kept repeating the mistake.� When I saw JazzL.apos;s photos in FaceBk, I canapos;t help but to envy her.� She is lucky enough to have a very considerate and unbias Superior, TimT.� Like anyone else, she too, made mistakes and offended VIPs along the way, but her Sup will speak up for her.� When she is stressed out at work, her Sup will give her words of encouragement, pick her up and drive her through the difficult times.� Her hard work�was paid off�with a free business trip to Japan by Sharp and quarterly bonuses.�

Should l be envying her because she is in sales, and she is able to excel in it? I wouldnapos;t say so.� I envy her because she found a job that matches her personality and gives�the opportunity to display her ability.� On top of that, she has a good Sup to groom her, giving her room to develop.

The few of us, Ronald, Keng Hong, Charissa and myself.� Each of us treads a different path.� Ronald couldnapos;t seem to�find his true love and�happiness after searching�for so�many years, travelled and stayed in�different countries.� He�never seems to stay long enough in a job to�firmly establish his ground.��If confronted, he would defend�that he�reserves all�his rights to direct his life and career.� He choose to see only what�a company can offer him, and not what he can offer the company.� He feels that his talent is not being appreciated by�the company.� And that it is because of mismanagement that his knowledge is not being fully capitalised.��The problem always lies with the other party, not him.� At the age of 28, he is still hopping around, finding the perfect lover, perfect job and perfect life.

When�comes to management science,�no one can be compared to�Keng Hong.��Unlike Ronald, KH�complaints with solutions.��But often, his solutions are too profound for the�autocratic�management, like ER, to accept, much less, to implement.� He has the drive to make things work, but lack of full management and colleaguesapos; support.� When that happened, he lost his�fighting spirit.��Similar to Ronald, he�too feels that his knowledge and capabilities are not�well appreciated by the company.��Coincidentally, mismanagement has�dragged him down too.� After working at his new employment�for less than half a year, he�harbored the thought of finding a much better job.�

Charissa does not have an ambition as great as R and KH.� She is contended to go with the flow.��She is still surviving at�ER, India.��She might not�be able to see that much politics,�or garner deep insight about the management, but she has�the endurance and determination to go through different stages of an employment.��

What about me? I am a mixture of the three.� I am very much emotionally attached to a job like R.� I rationalize things and want to achieve�more like�KH.� On the other hand, I�am still figuring out where�does my�area of expertise lie like Charissa.�

In comparison, Jazz is�the most blessed among us�all.� She has found a true love, established a family (expecting with twins),�knows her expertise, appreciated by�Bosses and secured a well paid job.��

I ask myself, why should l feel unhappy? Why should l be comparing with others all the time? �Why�should l look down on myself, keep thinking that others can outdo and replace me.� why do�I feel so insecure? What more do l want? What do l really want so as to be happy?� I thought the Bible can set me free and lead�me to happiness.� But I just cannot live the life that the Bible instructs.� I failed miserably.� I dont even dare to think about�announcing my wedding to the elders.� I dont want to think about the consequences or disciplinary procedures that I would have to�go through to remain as a member.��

I have been working in China Enersave for 6 months now.� I though this job would�last me longer than ER, and brings me more work satisfaction and accomplishment.� However, the Boss hinted twice to me that I�havenapos;t been following up with�operational issues as�good as other colleagues.� Though he didnapos;t sound harsh, I could read between the lines.� I�refute his saying of not following up with issues.� Firstly,�at times, he�does not give clear instruction of who to follow up with what.� Take�for an example,�he�told Lynd and me to look into changing of the server vendor.� I did help to check out on Googles and passed the information to Lynd.� Lynd is the Admin Manager, and she is in charge of the computers and servers of the company too.� Therefore, she should be doing the following up and sourcing of another vendor.� It is not in my job scope.�� For other subsidiaries, I�have little knowledge of the nature of business and�is seldom at the general office.� The remaining managers are half dead.� They did feedback the problems to the head, but�are often ignored or pushed�to other Directors to solve.� Now, I have�been following up closely�on the operation by asking the in charge to give me frequent updates.�Our China plants are taken care of by the GM and Directors, who reports directly to the head.� Most�of the time, I dont get much update from them,�because they dont Cc me in�the mail.� Hence, there is nothing much for me to follow up.��Those that I should follow up, e.g. Designing of new web site, company function, Annual Report and Investment query�etc. Have been promptly�done.��

I am worried. I dont know what the boss expects from me.� I dont know how long can l survive here.� �


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Iapos;ve been asked, via email, to provide a bio and the panels Iapos;ll be on.

Iapos;ve got the bio part pretty much worked out.

So far Iapos;ve been asked�to be on�species panels (dragons and felines), writing panels (anything emphasizing internal consistency on any level), and a reading from Man-Kzin Wars XII. Iapos;ve also gotten the Patron membership prize�for the Conbook story�contribution.

What I havenapos;t gotten is replies to my agreement to any of the above.

Iapos;m starting to feel like Sergeant Schultz. "I know nnnnnoth-ink"

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I love the energy that comes off the group of people i hang around with.
so much positive vibes and outgoing spirits are always so much fun to be around.
not having to worry about what others think is how it should be.

yet again, another has noticed the little things between us.
the constant eye glances, those never seem to get old.
i was going to try to come to a conclusion by tomorrow about how i was going to deal with this whole situation iapos;ve gotten myself stuck in with two possible solutions; keep trying, give up.
i know thereapos;s got to be something there, youapos;ve got to feel something too.
youapos;re not the type to lead others on, youapos;re not a jerk at all.
youapos;re one of the nicest people iapos;ve ever met, and thatapos;s what makes it so hard to let go.

lately, i swear youapos;re mad at the world.
youapos;re always nagging about little things, and i just canapos;t take it all the time.
i know things are hard, and i know theyapos;re not getting any easy,
but you need to realise that weapos;re ALL in this together.
itapos;s not just you.
i wish you could understand that sometimes, i just donapos;t want to go out.
sometimes, i just donapos;t want to have a full conversation.
sometimes, i bitch and complain and give you attitude about everything.
always, because i miss him. I miss him so much.
i canapos;t even stand being around people at times.
i wish i could wake up and this could all just be a bad dream.

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So, Connor was so good in Sacrament meeting today He even helped me a ton, getting toys Ian was throwing under the seats. (Ian was not so good). He also was so good about following me out of the chapel when I needed to change Ian or the time I had to take Ian out. And when it was time to go back in he ran back right to our pew and sat down nicely. It was amazing

Heapos;s also really fun with his play lately. There is some kind of magic fairy dust that is apparently in his matchbox cars. He pinches this invisible dust out of them then puts it in your hand and says "blow" and you have to blow the invisible dust into the air and he watches and sometimes claps. Today when I was putting him down for his nap he actually threw some to me and said "catch it and blow" So I did.

He is going to be Robin for Halloween (Bruce is going to be Batman). Iapos;m so excited for him. He did have trouble when the older nursery kids went into singing time, he didnapos;t want to go in the room it was "too big" It surprised me because usually heapos;s usually really into being with other kids (his first week of nursery he waved us "bye" and went to play). So weapos;ll see what happens.

He still struggles with aggression and some of his social skills. I have an appointment for him to be evaluated on November 3. Iapos;m still hoping they laugh at me and say heapos;s a VERY active 3 year old good luck heapos;s fine. If not though hey we have a couple of years until school to get him started on learning better social skills.

But this post isnapos;t about the struggling..this is about his accomplishments. Heapos;s so creative and he loves to learn things. After we did a science experiment the other day he was running around the house chanting "solid, liquid, gaaas" because we did an experiment where we talked about the states of matter. And today he found a letter s sticker on the floor and came and said ooh the letter s ssssssss So adorable :) This has been a good Connor day, one I want to remember :)

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Hi Supersport, Ken and Ruth

Its been a long time since we have seen each other, but I want to take this opportunity to wish you the very best for the upcoming race Remember to eat Ruth, remember you reminding what to do at every pitstop at the grand Island Ride?�Hahahaah, it is payback time... So eat lots and lots and lots of food to stay strong on Super, because knowing him he will be ready to rock.

all the best for the remaining riders, crew, vets etc. I�hope Wendy M. And Mariah are allowed to pass with flying colours through the health paper stuff. This is ridiculous after all the stuff they have already been through. So hang in there gang

love and support

boy o boy it took me a long time to find a username, it was getting very frustrating to sent this email but I made it

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Thereapos;s nothing I canapos;t do. Thereapos;s nothing I canapos;t be.
For I have loved, cried, lived and died.
Iapos;ve seen people at their best and worst.
Iapos;ve seen the world in the same manner.
With songs on repeat for hours,
and thoughts in my head for days,
Iapos;ll all right. Oh yes, Iapos;m all right.

Now tell me you love me,
for I may not be here tomorrow.
Iapos;ll remember your smile,
and your given sorrow.
Write me a poem, a hymn, a sonnet.
Donapos;t let time pass without enjoying it.

Though Iapos;m tired, Iapos;m not weak.
I have many things to do before I pass.
"impending doom" is only half right,
right now Iapos;m hungry so Iapos;ll end this here.

Honestly, donapos;t try to make anything of this.
I barely understand this myself.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Enough of the ...
..."I will love you forever."
..."Whatever happens, we will stick together."
..."I will hold on no matter what."
Why canapos;t you just love me the way I am?
Why canapos;t you just treat me better?
Why canapos;t you stop hurting me?
I wanted this to last for a lifetime.
I told myself.
If not you, then I will not love anyone anymore.
But you are you.
You canapos;t stop being you.
This is it.
Time to take a bow.
Time to close the door.
Time to be brave.
I can live without you...

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