воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

car insurance online purchase

I love the energy that comes off the group of people i hang around with.
so much positive vibes and outgoing spirits are always so much fun to be around.
not having to worry about what others think is how it should be.

yet again, another has noticed the little things between us.
the constant eye glances, those never seem to get old.
i was going to try to come to a conclusion by tomorrow about how i was going to deal with this whole situation iapos;ve gotten myself stuck in with two possible solutions; keep trying, give up.
i know thereapos;s got to be something there, youapos;ve got to feel something too.
youapos;re not the type to lead others on, youapos;re not a jerk at all.
youapos;re one of the nicest people iapos;ve ever met, and thatapos;s what makes it so hard to let go.

lately, i swear youapos;re mad at the world.
youapos;re always nagging about little things, and i just canapos;t take it all the time.
i know things are hard, and i know theyapos;re not getting any easy,
but you need to realise that weapos;re ALL in this together.
itapos;s not just you.
i wish you could understand that sometimes, i just donapos;t want to go out.
sometimes, i just donapos;t want to have a full conversation.
sometimes, i bitch and complain and give you attitude about everything.
always, because i miss him. I miss him so much.
i canapos;t even stand being around people at times.
i wish i could wake up and this could all just be a bad dream.

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