воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

band common denominator

So, Connor was so good in Sacrament meeting today He even helped me a ton, getting toys Ian was throwing under the seats. (Ian was not so good). He also was so good about following me out of the chapel when I needed to change Ian or the time I had to take Ian out. And when it was time to go back in he ran back right to our pew and sat down nicely. It was amazing

Heapos;s also really fun with his play lately. There is some kind of magic fairy dust that is apparently in his matchbox cars. He pinches this invisible dust out of them then puts it in your hand and says "blow" and you have to blow the invisible dust into the air and he watches and sometimes claps. Today when I was putting him down for his nap he actually threw some to me and said "catch it and blow" So I did.

He is going to be Robin for Halloween (Bruce is going to be Batman). Iapos;m so excited for him. He did have trouble when the older nursery kids went into singing time, he didnapos;t want to go in the room it was "too big" It surprised me because usually heapos;s usually really into being with other kids (his first week of nursery he waved us "bye" and went to play). So weapos;ll see what happens.

He still struggles with aggression and some of his social skills. I have an appointment for him to be evaluated on November 3. Iapos;m still hoping they laugh at me and say heapos;s a VERY active 3 year old good luck heapos;s fine. If not though hey we have a couple of years until school to get him started on learning better social skills.

But this post isnapos;t about the struggling..this is about his accomplishments. Heapos;s so creative and he loves to learn things. After we did a science experiment the other day he was running around the house chanting "solid, liquid, gaaas" because we did an experiment where we talked about the states of matter. And today he found a letter s sticker on the floor and came and said ooh the letter s ssssssss So adorable :) This has been a good Connor day, one I want to remember :)

blissmagazine.co.uk, band common denominator, band commitment, band commercial mariachi starburst, band commercial man rubber.

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